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ParkerSteel Attains ISO 45001 Accreditation!
We are thrilled to announce that ParkerSteel has achieved the prestigious ISO 45001 accreditation for our Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems! We have successfully implemented ISO 45001 in our organisation, which has paved the way towards fewer workplace injuries and illnesses. This proactive approach involves comprehensive hazard identification and risk assessment, resulting in improved organisational health and safety practices.
What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised standard that sets the benchmark for excellence in health and safety practices. It provides a framework for organisations to proactively manage potential risks, enhance safety measures, and create a secure environment for all employees and stakeholders.

Our Collective Success
This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication and collaborative efforts of every single member of the ParkerSteel family. It was a journey that involved meticulous planning, rigorous evaluations, and the unwavering commitment of each team across all our departments and sites.
A Safer Workplace for Everyone
With the ISO 45001 certification, we demonstrate our deep-rooted commitment to prioritising the health, safety, and well-being of our workforce. By adhering to the stringent guidelines of ISO 45001, we are reinforcing our dedication to maintaining a safe and secure working environment for all.