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Case Study: Next Level Chef
Surrey Steel Trading Ltd
ParkerSteel Limited is immensely proud to have played a pivotal role in supplying and processing the steel required to construct the remarkable set of Next Level Chef, a demanding cooking competition hosted by the internationally renowned Gordon Ramsay on ITV. This exceptional structure was realised using ParkerSteel’s high-quality beams, angles, hollow sections and plates in collaboration with Surrey Steel Trading Ltd, who fabricated the extraordinary 50ft high set consisting of three vertically stacked kitchens.
Next Level Chef, a unique cooking competition, captivated audiences on ITV with its challenging culinary battles. With Gordon Ramsay at the helm, the show sought to push chefs to their limits, showcasing their skills and creativity under intense pressure. The set was designed to be functional, yet visually outstanding. The three kitchens differ in size and shape, creating a dynamic and challenging environment for the contestants

Collaboration with Surrey Steel Trading Ltd
Behind the scenes, the construction of this one-of-a-kind set presented a significant undertaking, requiring the expertise and collaboration of ParkerSteel and Surrey Steel Trading. Both companies brought their experience and strengths to the table, working closely together to deliver an end result that was of the highest quality.
Our fully certified beams, angles, hollow sections and plates were seamlessly integrated into the project, due to Surrey Steel Trading’s commitment to precision and craftsmanship. Their meticulous attention to detail ensured the structural integrity and stability of the towering 50ft set, creating an awe-inspiring, yet safe experience for both the Next Level Chef contestants and the audience.
Throughout the collaboration, ParkerSteel’s dedicated team were on hand to provide technical support and advice, allowing for effective communication and ensuring that the specific requirements of the project were met, and any challenges were addressed promptly.

As a result of the close teamwork between ParkerSteel and Surrey Steel Trading, which was driven by innovation and efficiency, the ambitious set was completed successfully within the designated timeframe. The finished project is a marvel of engineering and design and a testament to the skill and expertise of both companies. The set has been a hit with viewers and critics alike and has contributed towards making Next Level Chef one of the most popular and memorable cooking shows on television.